Board of Directors

Steps To Become A Director with Childhood Connections

Okanagan Family & Child Care Society

1. Review the information on this page.
2. Review the requirements for board membership which is on the online application form
3. Complete the Online application form (please complete all fields)
4. Wait for the Executive Director or Board President to contact you

The Childhood Connections Board of Directors is made up of a team of dedicated professionals and parents that provide direction and governance of the society. Directors must be at least 18 years of age.

A significant commitment is required to be a Director. A minimum of 80% board meeting attendance is required over the course of the year. Board terms are two years. Board meetings are typically once per month, with a potential break in summer and over Christmas. Applicants should plan to spend approximately ten hours per month on subcommittee, board meetings and preparation.

2025/2026 Board of Directors

Saskia Battersby


Terry Yesaki


Samantha Krulitski


Charlie Boscoe

Director at Large

Robert Southam

Director at Large