Ages & Stages

Childhood Connections Okanagan Family & Child Care Society, is able to provide the following resources to families as part of the Child Care Resource & Referral (CCRR) program and the Central Okanagan Universal Screening Initiative (COUSI).

Parents can request an ASQ at any time for FREE.  Please contact the CCRR program to request your copy.

Childcare Provider members in good standing can request ASQ’s/SE’s FREE for up to 20 children every 6 months.  ASQ CALCULATOR

Any additional copies can be purchased for $1.00 per questionnaire package.   (updated 01/01/2023)

Do you have staff that have been trained in ASQ?  Yes, then we will provide an ASQ scoring sheet.

No, then you can return completed ASQ’s to the CCRR program for scoring.

Request Forms

For information on how to receive ASQ training, please contact the Kelowna CCRR program at or visit our workshop page.


For more information or to book your Child’s FREE Developmental Check-up, visit our office, or call: (250) 762-3536 x 2

The Ages & Stages Questionnaire® (ASQ) is s developmental and social-emotional assessment tool. They are filled out by parents or caregivers and and are scored by trained facilitators. Professionals have used and trusted Ages & Stages Questionnaires for more than 15 years to help pinpoint childhood developmental delays as early as possible.

The first 5 years of life are critical developmental years. The sooner that a delay or disability is caught, the sooner the child can be connected with services and supports that make a real difference.

Childhood Connections, in partnership with The Central Okanagan Universal Screening Initiative (COUSI) Committee, ensures that EVERY child can have the opportunity for a FREE Developmental Check-up!

ASQ is currently free to parents and available at multiple locations throughout our community. We also offer training to early childhood professionals to be able to administer and score the questionnaire.

Visit the Ages & Stages website for more information

The Central Okanagan has adopted the use of ASQ because it is:

  • highly valid, reliable, and accurate.
  • cost-effective.
  • easy to score in just minutes.
  • researched and tested with large samples of diverse children.
  • a great way to partner with parents and make the most of their expert knowledge.
  • fun and engaging for kids.