Playful Healing

Playful Healing was designed to support children who struggle in their day-to-day lives with feelings of worry, uncertainty, isolation, and unhappiness, especially those whose families cannot afford expensive therapy. By providing FREE one-to-one therapy, we help children manage and cope with behavioural challenges and anxiety.

At Childhood Connections, we have always worked within our community to address gaps in early years services. Recently, we’ve noticed an increase in childhood mental health struggles and families unable to afford essential services for their children. Our new program, Playful Healing, provides free play therapy and child life therapy to children and families in financial need.

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What is Play Therapy?

Play therapy is an effective form of therapy primarily used in children. This approach to therapy builds on the communicative style of children. Children are often less able than adults to express their feelings in words. However, children are experts at expressing themselves through play, that is, if you know what you’re looking for. While it may look just like playtime to you, a trained play therapist will see it as much more than that.

When children play, their toys are their words and play is their language. Play therapists are able to recognize these patterns and gain insight from watching and engaging with children in play. They are able to detect patterns and feelings and use them to help guide the child to explore and deal with those emotions and work through potential trauma.

Play Therapy provides a safe psychological distance from the child’s problems and allows them to express their feelings in a safe and age appropriate manner. Through play, children can learn how to cope with their feelings and behaviors. They can learn to recognize and redirect their emotions from negative to positive behaviours.

Program Partners

Current Counseling Partner  : Crossroads Collective


Could Play Therapy Benefit My Child?

Play therapy offers benefits for everyone but is most useful and recommended for children between the ages of 3 and 12. It can be helpful in a variety of situations, such as:

  • Facing medical procedures, illness, or palliative care
  • Developmental delays or learning disabilities
  • Behavioural problems at home or in school
  • Excessive aggression or anger
  • Family issues like divorce, separation or a death in the family
  • Natural disasters or traumatic events
  • Domestic violence, abuse, or neglect
  • Anxiety, depression, grief
  • Eating or toileting disorders
  • Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

What are the Benefits of Play Therapy?

There can be many benefits of play therapy, and research suggests that up to 71% of children referred to play therapy experience positive change. While some children will show hesitation at first, the bond between the therapist and child will grow, and noticeable progress can begin. Some of the potential benefits are:

  • Learning responsibility for their behaviours
  • Developing coping strategies and problem-solving
  • Self-love and respect
  • Empathy and respect for others
  • Alleviation of anxiety
  • Learning to recognize and express their feelings
  • Improving social skills
  • Stronger family relationships
  • Can also improve language and motor skills