Online Training
British Columbia | Early Learning Training | Link Here |
4 hours of FREE training | Talk With Me Baby: A New Course Partnering Teachers with Families Building on the relationships you already have with families, this course prepares you to step into a new role as a Talk with Me Baby Coach, to empower and support families so they too can engage in meaningful conversations with their young children to advance their language and learning. |
Link Here |
Healthy Eating in a Child Care Setting This course has been designed by the Dietitians of Fraser Health to support childcare providers in feeding children using a best-practice approach.Register for this free one hour course through the Learning Hub. Certificate available upon completion. |
FREE | Anaphylaxis in Child Care Settings Developed with Leap Learning Technologies Inc. and in collaboration with the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, this medically reviewed and bilingual resource is designed for child care staff/caregivers in both home-based and centre-based child care facilities. It takes about 30 minutes to complete and focuses on the basics of anaphylaxis, ways to reduce risks, and the recommended emergency treatment. It’s highly Interactive and easy to follow. |
Early Years Professional Development Portal: Sponsored by the BC Provincial Office for the Early Years in collaboration with BC campus. |
45 Conversations Media & Education Ltd. Online ECE Professional Development Workshops |
BCFCCA: BC Family Child Care Association Ongoing Course Info & Registration | LINK HERE | |
FREE | Talk With Me Baby Free Training | LINK HERE |
Care Courses: Child care training offered by The Care Courses School, Inc. | LINK HERE | |
FREE | The BC Early Learning Framework describes the vision, pedagogical principles, and key areas of learning for children birth to five years (before school entry). Complete six 45-60 minute professional development modules and receive a certificate for your professional development hours. Explore the ELF Resource Centre and participate in the ELF Discussion Forum |
FREE | Connecting With Families Complete four self-directed online training modules and discover ways to partner with families to create engaging programs for early learners. If you do not have an account, log in as a guest. |
Perpetual Preschool Online Training | LINK HERE | |
Circle of Ideas: for Early Childhood Educators, Preschool Teachers, Childcare Providers and Families Online Workshops | LINK HERE | | Online workshops for parents and Early Childhood Educators and responsible adults |
FREE | A new self-guided food safety course has been developed and made available by the BC Ministry of Healthy Living and Sport. | LINK HERE |
Little Warriors: Prevention Program 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 6 boys will experience an unwanted sexual act before their 18th birthday. Learn how to help prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse through the Stewards of Children Program. Little Warriors is a national charitable organization, focusing on the education and prevention of child sexual abuse. Help make a difference and take the program! |
Foodsafe Level 1 – For updated instructor information go to | LINK HERE | |
Food Safe Level I: Training Course that students can complete entirely online. | LINK HERE | |
ECEBC: Early Childhood Educators Okanagan Branch | LINK HERE | |
ECEBC | Early Childhood Educators of BC | LINK HERE |
Okanagan Community College: Early Childhood Education | LINK HERE | |
To become a licensed Early Childhood Educator (ECE) in BC you are required to complete a Basic Early Childhood Education Training Program from an approved training institution. | LINK HERE | |
Vancouver Community College: Early Childhood Education |
Montessori Infant Toddler Training | LINK HERE |