Unit 11.3 Drop off and pick up policy SAMPLE

Release of a Child:

Parents are required to indicate the name and phone number of all authorized individuals who are clear to pick up the child. All parents and/or authorized individuals are to sign-in and sign-out on the provided sheet, each day the child is dropped off and picked up from the daycare. Only persons designated to pick up a child will be allowed to do so.

Unauthorized Pick Up:

The parent/guardian is required to notify the caregiver in writing if someone else, other than the authorized persons, will pick up the child. Please provide name, phone number, and description of the person. The person will be asked to show photo identification. We will not release the child to any person who appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol or appears to be unable to provide safe care for the child. If such circumstance should occur we will offer to call an alternate person to pick up both; the child and the adult. If necessary, police will be called for assistance.

Custody and Related Court Orders:

The day care staff cannot become involved in the marital or custody issues of the families that we serve. If a custody or court order exists, a copy of the order needs to be placed in the child’s file. The guardian is responsible for providing up to date and accurate information concerning the legal guardianship of the child. Without a custody or court order on file, the caregiver cannot deny access to the non-enrolling parent. If the non-enrolling parent is not listed on the pick-up list, the policy on unauthorized persons will be implemented. The guardian will provide all consents.

We will not allow your child to leave with an unauthorized person without previous permission. This is for the safety and protection of your child.

A parent or guardian must authorize up to 3 individuals to pick up their child from child care Authorized individuals will be required to present valid identification to pick up any child from the child care.

I authorize the following individuals to pick up my child from the child care:
1. Name: ________________________________ Phone: _______________________

2. Name: ________________________________ Phone: _______________________

3. Name: ________________________________ Phone: _______________________

If an authorized individual without valid identification or an unauthorized individual comes to pick up my child from child care, I can be contacted at this number:


All parents and guardians must make sure that a staff person recognizes that the child has been dropped off or is being picked up from child care.

________________________________________ Parent name Date