There is an emergency evacuation policy that is reviewed, practiced, and recorded on a regular basis.
In preparing for emergency situations
Smoke alarms will be tested monthly.
A first aid kit, an attendance record, a pen or pencil, and an emergency information card for each child and each staff member is kept beside the exit door for quick and easy access.
Emergency supplies, including water and food will be kept in an accessible place. The supplies will be checked and rotated on a regular schedule.
A buddy system will be adopted and practiced regardless of the number of children in the facility.
All staff will know how to work the fire extinguishers, shut off gas lines, hydro, water and furnace.
Children will be taught what to do in the case of fire, earthquake and other emergencies. Evacuation drills will be practiced.
A simple diagram of exit paths from the building to the meeting place will be posted along with all emergency phone numbers.
The designated meeting place outside the building will be assigned.