We will provide well-balanced and nutritious food and beverages to the children who attend our Family Child Care. We will provide lunch and snacks consisting of the four healthy food groups: grains, fruit/vegetables, milk products and meat/alternatives, following suggestions from the Canada Food Guide.
Lunches and snacks are planned in advance and will be posted weekly on the bulletin board in our entrance area. Menu plans will also be provided in advance to parents upon request via mail or email.
We will provide the setting and social structure for eating together in a group as well as healthy food choices. However we will never force, bribe or refuse a child about food choices, nor offer food as a reward. Ultimately we allow the child to decide whether he/she wants to eat just a little bit, a lot or nothing at all.
Should a child decide not to eat at all, he /she will have the opportunity to eat at our next snack/lunch time. Typically food is offered every two hours.