Unit 4.2 Fire safety

Every child care setting must have a fire safety plan in place.

  • A fire safety plan must be posted in every room of the child care setting
  • Fire drills must be practiced and recorded once a month
  • Teach children to respond quickly to the fire command or the sound of the fire/smoke alarm
  • Teach children the STOP, DROP, and ROLL procedure. (This means that if any part of their body or clothing is on fire, children should stop, drop down to the floor or ground, and roll on the ground to put out the flames)
  • Make sure children know that in an emergency evacuation, we only take ourselves outside. We do not worry about toys or other items. The only exception is the emergency / first aid kit

Preplan a safe meeting place outside

All child care settings are required to have a written emergency evacuation policy. All parents and staff should be familiar with this policy. This policy is part of the parent handbook.